Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Hitting the Milestone..

Referral work was in today, I have to say I'm quite proud of this piece of work; if it refers again I will feel a lot more gutted than the first time, just for the simple fact that this is my best piece of work and it'll feel like my best wasn't good enough. There must be some ways to improve it, but as I proof read over I couldn't find anything wrong with it. (I'm sure Steve will though)

Getting along with the A4 assignment has been good, today's seminar session helped me change something quite vital in my project and straight after I fixed this problem, and saw that it helped the overall aesthetics of my photograph especially when it came to picking out some of the key detail in the dust and speckle parts. Due to this I've got a lot more comfortable with the course as a whole, no we are getting on to actually designing and more practical based tasks; I can't wait to do the web banners.. even though there is restrictions.

Seeing the referral work finished, spurred me on to doing the A3 assignment; this was because I actually saw a piece of finished work and it showed me that I could do this well and to a good standard. It gives me a benchmark to carry on from, a standard that I've already set and now I will have to meet it every time I do a task, which I think I'm more than capable of achieving.

The time sheet hand in that has been implemented by Steve has helped my time organisation a lot, I frequently look check what I'm doing and comment it off if I have finished, it's got me into a routine so far which I am planning to keep for the rest of the year. Having set an hour aside during class time on a Monday morning for time planning also helped me keep on the right paths.

One thing I have noticed during the A4 assignment is that when it comes to Photoshop there's little you can do with shortcuts, except the ones used with the aid of alt. All the things you need to do by hand, actually do them try stay away from a lot of the filters even if it does look like it might save a lot of time, there's other effects it does to the piece as well that you may not realise until after. But then again Photoshop is a very trial and error program, the best way to learn Photoshop is to use Photoshop; try get on some tutorial sites and work it out that way, ones like mentioned in my links on this blog page.


Tom Smith said...

I think the time sheet hand-in each week has helped me too... I did complete the time sheets last time round, including the 'comments' section, bit this time, it's spurred me on to actually completing the full 16 hours study time each week. I only managed this once last half term, but have done this every week for A3 and A4.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hey Andy

I am very pleased that are you proud of what you have done.

You defiantly have ability and it is nice to see that your motivation is now coming in line with that.

I agree with your comment "the best way to learn photoshop is to use photoshop"; I feel that this is true of just about any application.

The use of tutorials is also a great idea.


Shaun Bellis

John Browne said...

Good to hear about your proud work hand in. Hope it passes. I can honelsty say that the hour aside for time sheets on a Monday morning is also something ive incorporated into my planning. So far it is proving very useful as it feels like im actually getting more done to a satifactory standard.

Another thing ive done to try get work out of the ways is drop my sleeping time down a touch. By having an hour or 2 less of sleep I have a lot of spare time aside for incase something needs ammending or more work...

Keep the A-Team going strong, and remember its original members :P

Thomas Wealthy said...

I am also feeling the same way, I shall be gutted if I was to refer again. Hopefully that will not be the case, but if it is the case for me, then maybe there might be a subtle message there?

I have also being using the time sheets, since I have been using them more effectively I like to refer back to them and keep on top of my work the best I can.

Good luck with your results.

Greg Carrick said...

I have to agree, the time sheet hand-in has also helped me too. And having the hour on Monday to fill them in gives me the chance to really think about what I need to do.

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.