Tuesday, 6 May 2008


This last few days have been such a big few days for me, I think it's the combination of the weather and warmth, it's just brought the real creative side out in me; and I'm so enjoying it while it's here. My juices have been flowing in such a big way, new ideas just falling from everywhere.. not just with a few sources; just everything has added to this storm of creavity. I've definitely been taking advantage of this boost, so much more work in my sketchboook.. today I spent a happy 2-3 hours just sketching new ideas, developing them and seeing the possibilities of where I can take each little nuance to the fullest. I've started throwing these ideas round on Adobe Photoshop and I have to say I'm so happy with the results I've had so far, nothings finished totally yet but I can picture the finished product and am so eager to see how it's going to turn out. I was a little unhappy with the previous CD cover I'd created; though I did think there was enough manipulation and creavity in it thats required for this assignment. And that's always a safe one I can go back to if these don't work out how I hope. But I'm really trying to showcase myself and take this to a new level, a real professional level that you definitely could see on the shelves next to big name artists and not even just blend in; I'm wanting these to stick out from the crowd. Have an emotive effect on a buyer whatever the mood it creates is, just inspire some response and connection from the average person. So when it comes to the music they're ready to explore the boundaries of the ambient enviroments created inside.

I was starting to feel a little burnout before this assignment, and the timing of it was exactly what I needed to get me back on my previous wavelength and direction. Feeling really rejuvenated about everything, hopefully that will show in the work I'm producing again. Even looking on retrospect on the A5 assignment, the concept and everything was there for a great piece of work, but the actual stream-lining and development of it was so no where near the level I could've taken it to. Thanks to some ideas from Steve about the page arrangement and other idea's I could bring into it like lightbox, that helped me push it a little way nearer the level and hopefully to pass level. Kinda made me see things a alot more clearer about the whole concept of a website, get rid of the useless faff and really make your user have the ability to connect with your website; this is what you need to make the user feel like they've full filled their purpose of going there.

Looking forward to the summer assignment and next year I'm so excited, over this summer I'm setting a few short term goals for myself when it comes to my own skills. Remember the phrase 'Skills underpin Abilities', and keep this in mind when learning new things, don't set your goals too high although it's great to be ambitious you have to be realistic at the same time. Ask yourself if you have the ability to learn this particular skill; and if the answer is yes.. go for it. This summer I'm going to make the effort to iron out my personal weaknesses, which mainly has to do with the developing side of everything. I know with some work I could step my coding game up to something where I'm comfortable with it all, though I know this may be a stressful learning curve, I'm willing to go through this to get to exactly where I need to be right now. Get myself ready for this first assignment in year 2, and I previously never thought I'd say this, being my usual stance on the coding side, but 'really get into CSS'. The drive for this is the possibilities open if you have the talent of both sides, developing and designing.. it just makes you such a better prospect for the actual industry and also personal development; I think this willingness to learn and passion for it is what actually takes you to the next level and gets you seriously ready for the industry. I'm hitting this second wind and excited about it.

Look out over the next few days for these final ideas and developed designs to be up for feedback, not only here but on the forum aswell.. and when I catch a few people at ridiculous in the morning times. I think as a class we really need to start getting into some proper feedback in a big way, just think of it as a team of designers and developers with the same goal.. think about how much we can push each other and drive ourselves onto this goal. It'll be so much easier with everyone behind everyone helping, giving the advice and feedback that we need when we need it, and at low points taking people by the ear and pulling them into the right direction.

1 comment:

Tom Smith said...

It's good to see you getting some motivation for things at the moment Andy. Hopefully this can continue and will be reflected in your work.

I'm really looking forward to you uploading this work you're on about, it sounds quite exciting... hopefully it'll as good as the way you've sold it. Either that, or you should go into Sales.

With regards to feedback, I think at times the group has been really great with feedback, I know early on in this assignment it was some of the most useful and constructive feedback so far. Getting this up to a consistent level is the next stage.