Sunday, 30 September 2007

'Sick' Graphics.

Quite an accurate title for a change, yes a colloquialism but accurate anyway.
This week I've been fairly ill for the most part, though trying to keep up with my work whilst pretty much bed ridden. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be because the things I have left to do on my assignment are really the text parts, most of the creative work & computer work is done, though I still have to write some of it up. I'm still feeling quite confident about this assignment even with the week of work/lectures missed, when going off I felt that I was somewhat ahead of the class in the amounts of work I had done already. With the completion of a lot of my measurable aims/mini assignments.

I took on a side project this week of a local band called 'Final Wave', they've asked me to produce graphics for their Myspace, a number of t-shirt designs & advertising banners. After the band being around for a year or so I will be then creating a website/forum for them. You can view how it's going at Http://
Having already done the graphics for their Myspace and a t-shirt design I'm quite well on with the task, I found it came quite easy for me and the things I did, didn't take that long to create, so no worries about the project affecting my college work.

Any feedback on this whilst I am doing it, would be appreciated. (Yes, i already know about the bkgnd problem)

One thing that worried me about being away was missing the presentation by 'The Design Mechanics', potentially a good source of knowledge as to how the industry actually works in a real environment, as well as useful tips on the business side. Having read John/Shaun's blog I have had some insight as to what happened, but nothing could've replaced actually being their, to meet some of the 2nd year students properly in person also.
But i'm sure there will be other opportunities for both.

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