Thursday, 29 November 2007

Online Portfolio Website.


Tell me what you think of the layout so far.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Hitting the Milestone..

Referral work was in today, I have to say I'm quite proud of this piece of work; if it refers again I will feel a lot more gutted than the first time, just for the simple fact that this is my best piece of work and it'll feel like my best wasn't good enough. There must be some ways to improve it, but as I proof read over I couldn't find anything wrong with it. (I'm sure Steve will though)

Getting along with the A4 assignment has been good, today's seminar session helped me change something quite vital in my project and straight after I fixed this problem, and saw that it helped the overall aesthetics of my photograph especially when it came to picking out some of the key detail in the dust and speckle parts. Due to this I've got a lot more comfortable with the course as a whole, no we are getting on to actually designing and more practical based tasks; I can't wait to do the web banners.. even though there is restrictions.

Seeing the referral work finished, spurred me on to doing the A3 assignment; this was because I actually saw a piece of finished work and it showed me that I could do this well and to a good standard. It gives me a benchmark to carry on from, a standard that I've already set and now I will have to meet it every time I do a task, which I think I'm more than capable of achieving.

The time sheet hand in that has been implemented by Steve has helped my time organisation a lot, I frequently look check what I'm doing and comment it off if I have finished, it's got me into a routine so far which I am planning to keep for the rest of the year. Having set an hour aside during class time on a Monday morning for time planning also helped me keep on the right paths.

One thing I have noticed during the A4 assignment is that when it comes to Photoshop there's little you can do with shortcuts, except the ones used with the aid of alt. All the things you need to do by hand, actually do them try stay away from a lot of the filters even if it does look like it might save a lot of time, there's other effects it does to the piece as well that you may not realise until after. But then again Photoshop is a very trial and error program, the best way to learn Photoshop is to use Photoshop; try get on some tutorial sites and work it out that way, ones like mentioned in my links on this blog page.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Restoration, Reclamation

An enjoyable week, lighter in the usual academic sense than regular weeks; this has made it a lot more productive for me personally. Being that I see myself on the side of creativity and design applications to practical work, there will be possibilities for me to shine on this particular task and show myself and Steve the work I can actually produce.

I definitely can see a big change in the atmosphere of the course due to this task being a more creative one, I think people try and forget about the other task on a Tuesday; given that this is a the assignment people prefer. With more design tasks like this ahead, I can see it will only carry on like this and the group atmosphere will stay very light hearted, but at the same time eager to complete the work and do have a seriousness about trying to pass.. or more.

I will be posting my first attempt at this assignment on soon.

Referral work is due in next week, so this week is a BIG one for me; there's a lot of work to be moving alone with. First of all I need to finish all the referral work and get that to a stage where it can be handed in. Second I need to carry on with this 'Image Restoration' work, get it to a good standard, post it up on here for feedback. Thirdly I need to continue with my A3 work and get what's needed for next week and also down for my production schedule. Fourthly the catch up notes need to be done for the seminar groups as well.
I also need to have some sort of social life & play football twice in between these.

If the second years are reading this, we 'The First' years are issuing a formal challenge for a game of 5-a-Side Football.. we will expect your answer post haste. We also would like a wager on this so if anything pops into your mind.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Refreshments Served..

My title, abstract but accurate.

This week has been quite a refreshing change for me and has definitely backed up my new found revelations about the course, as me and Steve have discussed; over the half term I was thinking hard about this course, wondering if it was actually the right one for me. With which I came to the conclusion that it was, this upped my overall work rate and hunger for the course, in turn showing in my commitment with blog posts / blog entries and email replies. This has been noted by Steve and I've had reassuring feedback which further galvanized my want to be a success with this course, he identified that he'd noticed this particular change in my behaviour and also had some evidence to back what he was saying up.

I've found these past two weeks on the course probably the most enjoyable for me, yet; even though I referred on my A2 assignment, the changed that I feel need to be made from the feedback I was given.. I'd be able to complete with a good 2 days worth of work and get this out of the way, enabling me to concentrate on the other two assignments fully.

The enjoyment has come from the new subjects I am encountering like the argument with 'Art or Design' and the question that was put to us 'Are we Artists, Are we Designers, Or Both? Which is what I thought the course would be like when I first signed up to it, I expected these types of philosophical questions that made us think and explore a lot more frequently; alongside more design work. Which this week I have found we are moving onto more, the 'Image Compression' subject has also interested me a lot, and in the lecture this morning i found myself concentrating on the information quite hard, thinking this to be along the lines of things I am used to. Using Adobe Photoshop to complete tasks and problems.

I've started this latest assignment with a lot more organisation than previously, I already have a place for all my screenshots to be stuck in, micro task checklists to enable me to tick off each part of the assignment as I do it. All my electronic files are organised in their separate folders and every file name is linked directly to what the file actually is and explains what's inside, enabling me to quickly search through and keep track of everything when it comes to burning it out onto a CD for the deadline. All my timesheets are upto date and everything I have filled in on them is exactly what I have done, including right now posting the blog, the work today was completed quickly and efficiently.

  • Continue on the Image compression work, do essay.
  • Turn referal around and complete work necessary to pass this time around.
  • Have alot of creative time and think about ideas for a layout for A4 Task.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Backup the hill...

This week has a been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride for the group, the pressure of presentations on the first Monday back, were evident as I looked at the faces around me. Though through the nervousness came a sense of calm as we sat talking in the refectory, it was a real chance for everyone to converse and get to know more people better, I personally thought doing this made us come together as a group alot more. I think it was the shared nervous feelings around the presentation and our first assignment rules that really created this bond between us all and showed Steve that we were one of the groups that could bring its self together and help one another out.

As each person got called up the optimistic feeling within the group rose; mainly because after a person came back from presenting their work they seemed elated with what they had produced, how the presentation its self went and how well they think Steve received their particular presentations. In the aftermath we were told Steve was happy with how the presentations went and there was definately a shared feeling of relief.

The Results: Referral,
Feeling: Dissappointed,
On The Top: Calm,
Comments: I know what I need to do.

Today we had the type of lecture that I thought the course would be based around a lot more, with the introduction of the A3 assignment. The particular question posed to us by Steve was "What's the difference between Art & Design?" a very open ended question with alot of room for discussion, and it really didn't fail to provoke that kind of response from the class and myself. In our new seminar groups Shaun & I were already arguing the thoughts and opinions based around this subject, we knew that when it came time for the class discussion there was definitely going to be some interesting points made; alongside heated debate over the subject. Which after some careful consideration, and of course taking alot of Steve's points into account I settled on that 'I am a Designer'.

This week we have a few tasks to complete; one of these is an essay on the latter subject, I am particularly looking forward to as it gives me sufficient time and space to rant about my own opinion around this subject, and I like to be opinionated on subjects like this. The only thing I might slip up on is the word count being for two essays, I'll have to set it out at 700 each... but about this subject I know it's possible for me to write atleast double that, I will have to find away of fitting everything I want to say in not so many words. I think another thing to take into account is the next essay after this and think about switching the percentage of my word count on each, to enable me to write more than just 700 on this one.