This week has been quite a refreshing change for me and has definitely backed up my new found revelations about the course, as me and Steve have discussed; over the half term I was thinking hard about this course, wondering if it was actually the right one for me. With which I came to the conclusion that it was, this upped my overall work rate and hunger for the course, in turn showing in my commitment with blog posts / blog entries and email replies. This has been noted by Steve and I've had reassuring feedback which further galvanized my want to be a success with this course, he identified that he'd noticed this particular change in my behaviour and also had some evidence to back what he was saying up.
I've found these past two weeks on the course probably the most enjoyable for me, yet; even though I referred on my A2 assignment, the changed that I feel need to be made from the feedback I was given.. I'd be able to complete with a good 2 days worth of work and get this out of the way, enabling me to concentrate on the other two assignments fully.
The enjoyment has come from the new subjects I am encountering like the argument with 'Art or Design' and the question that was put to us 'Are we Artists, Are we Designers, Or Both? Which is what I thought the course would be like when I first signed up to it, I expected these types of philosophical questions that made us think and explore a lot more frequently; alongside more design work. Which this week I have found we are moving onto more, the 'Image Compression' subject has also interested me a lot, and in the lecture this morning i found myself concentrating on the information quite hard, thinking this to be along the lines of things I am used to. Using Adobe Photoshop to complete tasks and problems.
I've started this latest assignment with a lot more organisation than previously, I already have a place for all my screenshots to be stuck in, micro task checklists to enable me to tick off each part of the assignment as I do it. All my electronic files are organised in their separate folders and every file name is linked directly to what the file actually is and explains what's inside, enabling me to quickly search through and keep track of everything when it comes to burning it out onto a CD for the deadline. All my timesheets are upto date and everything I have filled in on them is exactly what I have done, including right now posting the blog, the work today was completed quickly and efficiently.
- Continue on the Image compression work, do essay.
- Turn referal around and complete work necessary to pass this time around.
- Have alot of creative time and think about ideas for a layout for A4 Task.
It’s great to see you know this is the right course for you and I have to say I’m impressed with your organisation skills, they will defiantly help you.
I too am really enjoying the new tasks and let's hope there all going to be like this.
You, concentrate?! I though that only happened when you had to straighten your hair?
Joking aside I'm really pleased you're back on track again. I too have had a couple of 'iffy' moments over the last few weeks, but like you I'm really enjoying the course now.
I think having the balance between the two assignments is helping a lot, with the A4 allowing more creative freedom.
Keep up the good work!
Glad to hear you're enjoying the course more now, and that the things we're studying at the moment interest you more.
It's also good that you're getting your organisational skills improved- this has been something I've struggled with a bit as well, and is the thing I'm concentrating on most for these next two assignments. So far it's enabled me to complete a lot more work than I thought possible in a short amount of time.
this week my organisational skills have been thrown out of the window. but if i get through this week with all the things completed that i've set out to complete then it will prepare me for events in future that could happen or go wrong.
its nice to hear that you know this is the course for you. the a4 assignment is very interesting!
I think the first assignment we did surprised everyone a bit and sometimes it felt like there was a lack of creativity in the assignment.
I feel that this is no longer the case with the A3 and A4 assignments I am starting to wonder whether it is because there is more creativity in assignments.
Or if it is just that I am looking at every area of the tasks now and seeing design choices I have to make and how I can be more creative such as: designing tables, placement of images etc...
Good to hear you are enjoying the course more now.
To be honest I thought you loved this course alway from day 1 (Memories of building a rocket to save an egg - Those were the days.
In with time planning, ive started that to be my first priority this term, which so far its proved very successfull. Lets just hope that I dont some how get miss-guided away from this and I move on to be a master of time (or shall i say planning :P )
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