Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Gaseous Outcome.

Closing into the final deadline this week has been a pivotal week in our development and full creation of the assignment tangibles. With the logo already finalised, finished and fully polished off; our total focus fell on the foundations in which the logo mixed with the music and research presented us with. Alongside our earlier work we needed to have our final CD cover idea presented today, not totally finished; but something that would lead and be very similar to the final handed in work. I'd got some really strong ideas and had virtually developed a finished piece with one of them, which I presented in the seminar groups on Tuesday. I feel it got good feedback and people were pleased with the work I did, there wasn't too many complaints when it came to criticism and the ones that cropped up had already been noticed by me and changes planned for the future. Although I still like this design, I don't think it's as good as I could make it or as good as another idea could be produced. I think the composition especially of the pipework is done quite poorly which leads to it not having a great presence in the front cover. Also when looking at it alongside professional CD covers I do not think it would hold its weight very well; just for the simple fact it doesn't jump out of your with any kind of design swagger or smooth graphics; it's a bit plain. This is the main reason for my developing other ideas as much as I have this one, so I can be happy with knowing the final design is the best I could create.

The logo I've developed I feel suits the record label, but not only that I think it really suits the style of my music, originally it looked alot more like a sports logo; but with the recently developed side of it.. I think the logo flows alot more. Symbolising the music and label, with the smooth and clear curves mixed with the sharp points and flat diagonal of the left side, as Emit and it's music it quite a varied range and you never seem to know what your going to get when it comes to the records released.

We're sharply coming to the end of our first year, I think there's a continuous feeling throughout the group that it's so sudden; on reflection at break today over our first day and the activities we did: it really just seems like only yesterday we were talking our introductory walk around Thornes Park and getting to know each other. Over this past year I've seen us really grow as a group and individuals have come together to make it an enjoyable place to learn and design, which is one of the main reasons the year has flown by. Another reason for this is the amount of work we've done over this year, the speed it has really seemed like we've started one assignment then finished it in no time at all. There has always been a lot of work going on at once and the demand asked of us has always been high, so there was no time to flounder around.

Over these next few weeks there won't be a splendid amount of work to do, most of it will be polishing off already worked out ideas and a lot of time spent on the A1 assignment. I think this will be my biggest effort of the year, I know theres alot to do when it comes to A1; especially I've a lot of annotation to do with the inspiration I've been sticking in my sketchbook throughout the year. And also some of the annotations on on developmental work I've done this term, With the added relief of having to stick in loads of previous free sheets, but this part will all be over soon.. eager to look forward to the next year.


Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Andy,

I really enjoyed reading this weeks post. The reminiscent break time really hit home to me also; I cannot understand where the time has gone.

I guess that is why I said it is important to look back on what we have achieved so far as well as what is still left to do in my journal.

I would still like to see some of your work poosted up here so that I can give you some feedback on it; being in different seminar classes means that I don't really get to see that much of your work without breaking off mine.

Tom Smith said...

Andy, I've not looked at your CD design in great detail, but what I have seen I really like. I think it's a concept that I can imagine seeing in a professional context, so I'm not sure of the reason for your displeasure. Do you feel you've not pulled the work off very well? If so, you should make sure you spend time on it getting it up to that professional standard.

John Browne said...

To be honest, I think your been a little too hard on your design of the CD artwork. To me it shows manipulation effectively, and it appears like a proffesional design job.

In temrs with the logo, I feel as though I have to completely agree with your view of its smooth flow and ability to fall in place in all your designs. This logo looks like its could feel at home on any CD cover.

A1 - I sort of feel sorry for you here. Not only is there annotations to be made, but an indexed sketchbook complete with a contents page at the beginning. Remember, A1 will take a huge ammount of work to bring back from a referal state...