Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Seeing Red; Mixed With Yellow.
The first thing I found was the links to the National Social Party (Nazi's) which took me back to when I studied it in A-Level History a few years ago, and it brought back a few memories such as the 'Hitler Youth' which was all the pure German born kids in an organisation run by the Nazi's. They'd have days out, fun activities a lot of sport and physical things going on, which of course as a young boy was heaven, they used this to brain wash the kids into thinking the way of the Nazi's, all these boys wore Brown Shirts.
A part of the army that also wore these brown shirts were the SA, the core of the Nazi Party ideology.
I thought I'd give people a preview to what may crop up in my presentation, as it seems to be the biggest thing I've found about the colour brown.. except all the natural symbolism that goes along with it.
In reflection I have found this subject quite interesting, which is surprising considering my first reaction to doing a presentation of a colour was 'Are you serious?' I really wasn't sure whether I would be able to fill the whole five minutes on just a colour. Then after reading into it further I discovered it to be quite deep and one that enables a lot of creativity as well as good practice for presentations in the future.
I'm 50/50 with my confidence right now on the presentation, at the moment it is not affecting me and I'm thinking it will go smooth and I am quite confident about presenting my colour. This may be because I have a generally high confidence level and I'm not that scared when it comes to speaking in group situations whether it is answering questions or the like, though I know that presentations are a whole different kettle of fish. I know when it comes 5minutes before the actual presentation the nerves definitely will start to kick in somewhat and I will start worrying.
I have also decided to keep a practice timesheet this week, which was a suggestion Shaun made as he is keeping one too, just to show everything has been done in an organised time and also just to keep the timesheet being a regular thing and staying with the routine.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Half Termination
After pondering the last assignment and the future assignments over this last week or so, I've realised my mistakes & downfalls, so the idea mentioned by other students in the class and also the original idea by Steve I think I the timesheet collection idea would be a good solution. For the simple fact it helps me keep an eye on everything a lot easier and then when it comes to the end of an assignment that part is not something I have to deal with.
I'm eager to get on with the next assignment to prove to myself & the tutors what I really can produce, the last one (without realising) was more to test the waters for me to see what actually had to be done in order to produce a good quality piece of work.
It's not only helped me understand the amount of work that's involved, but also the detail involved with each task; in each task there is mini tasks or as the lingo would be 'Macro & Micro' tasks. I know that when the next task comes around I will be even more focused and dedicated to produce the necessary quantity and quality work to get very good marks.
In this week of pondering, I did question myself on whether this was the right course for me; after thinking long and hard I decide it really was & that it was more of a complete course for me than I previously thought. I was sad upon hearing there was going to be no 3D modelling or animation involved in the course at all, as I think that is one of the ways media in general is going, but as far as core design skills this is the place to be; it's possible for me to follow these methods out of college as well.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Gold Rush
The main worry for me was the loss of some of my original time sheets and my production schedule, after I had done my evaluation in which I spoke about how good my organisation skills were and how I was keeping up with my time sheets efficiently. I did try to draw some up to cover my steps but found it hard as I only had a few original time sheets to work from, which meant my production schedule was thrown totally off course.
I was however originally stuck on what to write for my evaluation, it took a few days of pondering to figure how exactly what i wanted to include in it, with trying to start but then giving up. I finally worked out what i wanted to say and the words just flowed out and before I knew it, I'd hit around the 850words mark and found myself at the end.
In a way this is similar to how I am when it comes to writing blog entries, sometimes I can just get a topic from the start and seem to go on forever about it, sometimes it takes a while; I usually get it in the end though.
When seeing my actual project and assignment completed, I was overcome with happiness; it is such a burden lifted off my shoulders to see the work all in the InDesign file and looking neat and everything exactly how it should look.
- Think about my presentational skills and make some decisions on how I will approach it.
- Think about how I can improve with task in the future; which I have already started.
- Keep learning Adobe InDesign and working through it's many powerful features.
- Try expand my range of designs, I noticed I was very comfortable with the design i did, it was something that I would have done given no target audience to match with.
- Prepare a lot better for the assignment, I waited until late to make preparations which meant when it came to the final deadline day, i was worried about presentation and getting everything together; instead of the actual work in hand and proof reading everything.
I am excited about the aspect of presentations, I think it as a key skill that is needed in the industry and personally I am happy to explore it. I can see others in the class are quite shy when it comes to presentations and this might hinder them when the day comes, but I feel that if i prepare properly that it should be a task well within my capabilities.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Tickertape Ending
On paper 2.5k doesn't seem like a whole lot, if you think our average blog posts are around 500 words. But when you add all the research, putting it into page maker, design work.. everything, I certainly did under estimate the amount of work we would have to do, after week one.
And this is nothing compared to A3..
After a meeting I had with Steve & John, we decided I really needed to pull my finger out, or not only would i be letting myself down, but also them down as tutors; they do put a lot of time and effort into this. It is mostly to do with this very blog its self. I seem to find it very difficult to give people feedback and advice unless it is in coordination with something graphical, or something i can break down from what i can see infront of me, and opinion..etc
- Master Adobe InDesign, with all its functions.
- Proof read, get someone else to proof read.. then proof read again.
- Get myself properly organised with paper/digital files.
- Look over my finished work & see if I can try going into more detail.
- Evaluate it all.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
The Homestraight
I will not be rushing to get it finished, this maybe because I have timed managed effectively enough to allow me the final week be relaxed with my work. All the preparations in my sketch book to give me the necessary information ready at hand to complete my mini-tasks in the assignment quickly and to the best of my capability, has helped with this a great deal.
When first properly learning about Adobe Pagemaker this week, I found it to be an awfully complex programme for the job it was actually doing; it basically incorporates a few lines here & there, but the simple factor that you can't move lines along a pixel at a time greatly hinder it's usage.
I told Steve of my problems with Pagemaker, in our tutor meeting today; in which we agreed due to my history and experience it might be best for me to move on to using Adobe InDesign. Which would allow me to create what I wanted, more coherently than before and quicker.
Yesterday in a meeting with John we decided that I would set a few goals with my weekly blog entries, as this would give me some concrete things for me to work towards & hopefully get the best out of my self study time.
- Get familiar with Adobe InDesign / Create my finished screen design with it.
- Collect & organise my references; to help me to add them quickly at the end.
- Include & annotate some more inspiration work in my sketch book.
- Do everything with micro tasks, enabling me to get into intricate details.
- Push for at least a merit; marks that will show my actual capabilities.
- Finish it.
I've done some nearly finished screen designs, hopefully this will give you the idea of the target market and shed some light on the kind of look/layout I'm trying to achieve.
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/seyance/ericsite.jpg - White on Black
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/seyance/whiteeric.jpg - Black on White
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/seyance/littleeric.jpg - Grey on White
Feedback on these would be appreciated..