Saturday, 22 December 2007


As it's not summer, winter in the title was more appropriate.

Looking back at this first semester it's been one of many highs, many lows, ups and downs, highlights and low lights.. definitely a rollercoaster ride to start the course. I think the main reason for this was everyone adjusting to a new style of working, a work load that hadn't necessarily been as big before; it really is miles away from working in the school/college environment I was previously used to.

A thing that had plagued me in the past with regards to work, is when evidencing the whole process; which is very important regarding this course. I've definitely improved in this aspect, but still it is not as good as I would like it to be, I feel it lets my sketchbook down a lot and I really need to get that side of the work organised and put to good use. It shows in my development of my screen designs also, I do alot on the actual screen instead of in my sketchbook, and without thinking about evidencing I make big changes, therefore my developmental process breaks down. I do think on the whole now, my sketchbook is my biggest weakness; with this in mind I will work hard next semester to turn this around and make it a strength.

But i think another part of my organisational process has improved greatly, at first I had real trouble with the time sheets, not only just filling them in and planning my work out to the right amount of hours, but actually keeping them all in one place. The hand in method has definitely helped me a lot here, now I'm in a good process and doing my time sheet has become almost automatic, setting monday morning before the first lecture aside to complete it helps me work out my week quickly. Showing my vast improvement in this aspect to myself, was in the last time sheet when I had done the whole sheet and then counted my hours up after and realised they hit exactly 32hours, bit weird has I hadn't really thought about the amount of hours yet, I was just putting down what needed to be done.

The group as a whole has blended together quite well, this is a big highlight for me.. the last Tuesday at the pub after deadline, really should that we'd all come together as more of a team than a group. I think the people who have left have actually aided this in a way, it's forced people to make different friends and then get integrated into the group as a whole more. The team that has been created in the group has definitely built a structure of help, with the big aid of Shaun (no pun intended) everyone seems to be therefore each other, when it comes time for helping each other, whether it's people letting others have notes or just helping them out with ideas and feedback.

I'm looking forward to progressing with this course, when I've pondered about my future; I can really see how this course will help me get there. I don't even mean the HND degree side of it, I really feel this course will enable me to gather the right skills and professional mind frame to work in the industry to a very good level. The course has already made me look at my design work with a more critical mind, I'm thinking about so much more when inputting each feature into banners and layouts. The last design for example, because of the target audience I tried to limit the visual distractions and only put pictures into the info that actually needed pictures, this would not only make my information more dynamic, it would lower my global page sizes a lot, making my website fast and reliable.

I've already enjoyed the days off we have had, even though I've fallen a tad ill.. but this has given me time to explore my creativity. I have been messing around with different styles of design, using techniques I'd not thought of before, creating things I really wouldn't of in the past, that's another way I can see this course has changed me, it's forced me out of my design comfort zone. The portfolio site I'm messing with at the moment has a real Russian feel to it, taking some slight inspiration from another portfolio I've seen recently, but expanding it and taking the theme to a relative extreme. I think when posted on my web-host (which thankfully now is back up) everyone will be able to see a distinct change from my usual style, but still see elements of my older work in there.

This week has been a bit of one dis
aster after another, first my web-host completely shut down due a hardware failure at one of the data centres. Then my dad decided it was a good time to switch over to wireless, which we've been having big problems with; which is also the reason why this evaluation is day late. I've also got quite ill, swollen glands are always nice. But all that said I'm looking forward to Christmas and the semester that follows.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Untitled Enjoyment.

In comparison to this time last term this week is fairly calm and relaxed, the mean reason for this is that we've already been through this process, we've all passed and know what is needed to pass. Therefore are more relaxed when it comes to confidence of their own work and all the presentational aspects, mainly because this is another website plan; the next assignment may not offer the same relaxed environment when it comes to this point in the term.

I feel settled within the course, everything's running smoothly and I've got into a good routine when it comes to the blog, comments.. a good routine when it comes to time sheeting and recording along the way.

I've worked a lot with the whole creative elements this week, developing my screen designs and banners. Which, of course.. I've really enjoyed. Especially comparing the developmental work to the finished products and seeing the building process throughout.

The final ones.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Bruce Banner's..

An intense mood captured the group today as Steve set us the task of doing a certain amount of banners in a certain amount of time; surveying the group I saw some people really struggling to come to terms with doing these banners at such a fast rate, whereas other's coped well and looked relaxed throughout. But for me it wasn't about the amount of designs created it was about the quality, though I did manage to meet the small deadline nearly every time.. bar the last deadline; 4 banners in 30seconds? (This is definitely more like what I expected from the course)

The whole development of today, from those small sketches at the beginning then stepping up to the neater more precise sketches was quite an enjoy time, I think one of the things I like most in design is developing ideas into actual pieces and then seeing how they work in the terms of the web. Though I have to profess to being a bit of a digital designer and prefer to do everything in Photoshop rather than messing around with sketchpads; even when I can see the benefits of all the development plans on paper.

I've created a few banners, I'm 50/50 about these.. not really sure if I do actually like them that much, working at college on Photoshop is frustrating, as there's not the amount of tools open to me like when I work from home. I'll post these few banners to see what you think..

Referral feedback yesterday, what a tough start to a morning going through references over and over again, but it did really help me with the process, I now know how to reference properly and more effectively which will mean good things for the current A3 assignment. The results of the referral feedback where that I passed the main part, but failed the Historical part due to the fact I didn't put the publisher's name down on the book references. Quite frustrating as Steve said the rest of my references were fine and acceptable, but hopefully I will be able to make up for this during the A3 assignment.

Speaking of A3 it is progressing quite well and I've kept track with everything and made sure that my organisation skills this time around were top notch, all time sheets done on time, various points in which I create a micro checklist to see exactly where I am at & also what I have to do, alongside the 'Production Schedule' done firstly. With the over view of this, I have stayed working on a steady track and not really fluxed with weeks where a lot of work gets done, then a week where not al to does. This is turning me into a more hire-able person and shows that I am able to work well in these deadline situations and plan my time out effectively.

Also the Photo Restoration work is now finished, I will be uploading the before and after onto my blog later this week for you all to see. Personally I feel that I've done a good job on it, and people I have shown this to have said it's good; usually commenting on a good use of colours and colourscheme with the right amount of contrast/brightness in an effort to look like the real thing.

Banner 1 -
Banner 2 -

Nothing final, just a testing a few things out.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Online Portfolio Website.


Tell me what you think of the layout so far.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Hitting the Milestone..

Referral work was in today, I have to say I'm quite proud of this piece of work; if it refers again I will feel a lot more gutted than the first time, just for the simple fact that this is my best piece of work and it'll feel like my best wasn't good enough. There must be some ways to improve it, but as I proof read over I couldn't find anything wrong with it. (I'm sure Steve will though)

Getting along with the A4 assignment has been good, today's seminar session helped me change something quite vital in my project and straight after I fixed this problem, and saw that it helped the overall aesthetics of my photograph especially when it came to picking out some of the key detail in the dust and speckle parts. Due to this I've got a lot more comfortable with the course as a whole, no we are getting on to actually designing and more practical based tasks; I can't wait to do the web banners.. even though there is restrictions.

Seeing the referral work finished, spurred me on to doing the A3 assignment; this was because I actually saw a piece of finished work and it showed me that I could do this well and to a good standard. It gives me a benchmark to carry on from, a standard that I've already set and now I will have to meet it every time I do a task, which I think I'm more than capable of achieving.

The time sheet hand in that has been implemented by Steve has helped my time organisation a lot, I frequently look check what I'm doing and comment it off if I have finished, it's got me into a routine so far which I am planning to keep for the rest of the year. Having set an hour aside during class time on a Monday morning for time planning also helped me keep on the right paths.

One thing I have noticed during the A4 assignment is that when it comes to Photoshop there's little you can do with shortcuts, except the ones used with the aid of alt. All the things you need to do by hand, actually do them try stay away from a lot of the filters even if it does look like it might save a lot of time, there's other effects it does to the piece as well that you may not realise until after. But then again Photoshop is a very trial and error program, the best way to learn Photoshop is to use Photoshop; try get on some tutorial sites and work it out that way, ones like mentioned in my links on this blog page.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Restoration, Reclamation

An enjoyable week, lighter in the usual academic sense than regular weeks; this has made it a lot more productive for me personally. Being that I see myself on the side of creativity and design applications to practical work, there will be possibilities for me to shine on this particular task and show myself and Steve the work I can actually produce.

I definitely can see a big change in the atmosphere of the course due to this task being a more creative one, I think people try and forget about the other task on a Tuesday; given that this is a the assignment people prefer. With more design tasks like this ahead, I can see it will only carry on like this and the group atmosphere will stay very light hearted, but at the same time eager to complete the work and do have a seriousness about trying to pass.. or more.

I will be posting my first attempt at this assignment on soon.

Referral work is due in next week, so this week is a BIG one for me; there's a lot of work to be moving alone with. First of all I need to finish all the referral work and get that to a stage where it can be handed in. Second I need to carry on with this 'Image Restoration' work, get it to a good standard, post it up on here for feedback. Thirdly I need to continue with my A3 work and get what's needed for next week and also down for my production schedule. Fourthly the catch up notes need to be done for the seminar groups as well.
I also need to have some sort of social life & play football twice in between these.

If the second years are reading this, we 'The First' years are issuing a formal challenge for a game of 5-a-Side Football.. we will expect your answer post haste. We also would like a wager on this so if anything pops into your mind.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Refreshments Served..

My title, abstract but accurate.

This week has been quite a refreshing change for me and has definitely backed up my new found revelations about the course, as me and Steve have discussed; over the half term I was thinking hard about this course, wondering if it was actually the right one for me. With which I came to the conclusion that it was, this upped my overall work rate and hunger for the course, in turn showing in my commitment with blog posts / blog entries and email replies. This has been noted by Steve and I've had reassuring feedback which further galvanized my want to be a success with this course, he identified that he'd noticed this particular change in my behaviour and also had some evidence to back what he was saying up.

I've found these past two weeks on the course probably the most enjoyable for me, yet; even though I referred on my A2 assignment, the changed that I feel need to be made from the feedback I was given.. I'd be able to complete with a good 2 days worth of work and get this out of the way, enabling me to concentrate on the other two assignments fully.

The enjoyment has come from the new subjects I am encountering like the argument with 'Art or Design' and the question that was put to us 'Are we Artists, Are we Designers, Or Both? Which is what I thought the course would be like when I first signed up to it, I expected these types of philosophical questions that made us think and explore a lot more frequently; alongside more design work. Which this week I have found we are moving onto more, the 'Image Compression' subject has also interested me a lot, and in the lecture this morning i found myself concentrating on the information quite hard, thinking this to be along the lines of things I am used to. Using Adobe Photoshop to complete tasks and problems.

I've started this latest assignment with a lot more organisation than previously, I already have a place for all my screenshots to be stuck in, micro task checklists to enable me to tick off each part of the assignment as I do it. All my electronic files are organised in their separate folders and every file name is linked directly to what the file actually is and explains what's inside, enabling me to quickly search through and keep track of everything when it comes to burning it out onto a CD for the deadline. All my timesheets are upto date and everything I have filled in on them is exactly what I have done, including right now posting the blog, the work today was completed quickly and efficiently.

  • Continue on the Image compression work, do essay.
  • Turn referal around and complete work necessary to pass this time around.
  • Have alot of creative time and think about ideas for a layout for A4 Task.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Backup the hill...

This week has a been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride for the group, the pressure of presentations on the first Monday back, were evident as I looked at the faces around me. Though through the nervousness came a sense of calm as we sat talking in the refectory, it was a real chance for everyone to converse and get to know more people better, I personally thought doing this made us come together as a group alot more. I think it was the shared nervous feelings around the presentation and our first assignment rules that really created this bond between us all and showed Steve that we were one of the groups that could bring its self together and help one another out.

As each person got called up the optimistic feeling within the group rose; mainly because after a person came back from presenting their work they seemed elated with what they had produced, how the presentation its self went and how well they think Steve received their particular presentations. In the aftermath we were told Steve was happy with how the presentations went and there was definately a shared feeling of relief.

The Results: Referral,
Feeling: Dissappointed,
On The Top: Calm,
Comments: I know what I need to do.

Today we had the type of lecture that I thought the course would be based around a lot more, with the introduction of the A3 assignment. The particular question posed to us by Steve was "What's the difference between Art & Design?" a very open ended question with alot of room for discussion, and it really didn't fail to provoke that kind of response from the class and myself. In our new seminar groups Shaun & I were already arguing the thoughts and opinions based around this subject, we knew that when it came time for the class discussion there was definitely going to be some interesting points made; alongside heated debate over the subject. Which after some careful consideration, and of course taking alot of Steve's points into account I settled on that 'I am a Designer'.

This week we have a few tasks to complete; one of these is an essay on the latter subject, I am particularly looking forward to as it gives me sufficient time and space to rant about my own opinion around this subject, and I like to be opinionated on subjects like this. The only thing I might slip up on is the word count being for two essays, I'll have to set it out at 700 each... but about this subject I know it's possible for me to write atleast double that, I will have to find away of fitting everything I want to say in not so many words. I think another thing to take into account is the next essay after this and think about switching the percentage of my word count on each, to enable me to write more than just 700 on this one.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Seeing Red; Mixed With Yellow.

Well the colour I've been given is 'Brown'; at first I thought this was a bad choice and was gutted I didn't get more of a primary colour rather than a derivative of orange, or red and yellow mixed together. But as time when along and my research turned up more and more, I am quite happy with the colour and think I come up with a bit of luck in this particular one.

The first thing I found was the links to the National Social Party (Nazi's) which took me back to when I studied it in A-Level History a few years ago, and it brought back a few memories such as the 'Hitler Youth' which was all the pure German born kids in an organisation run by the Nazi's. They'd have days out, fun activities a lot of sport and physical things going on, which of course as a young boy was heaven, they used this to brain wash the kids into thinking the way of the Nazi's, all these boys wore Brown Shirts.
A part of the army that also wore these brown shirts were the SA, the core of the Nazi Party ideology.

I thought I'd give people a preview to what may crop up in my presentation, as it seems to be the biggest thing I've found about the colour brown.. except all the natural symbolism that goes along with it.

In reflection I have found this subject quite interesting, which is surprising considering my first reaction to doing a presentation of a colour was 'Are you serious?' I really wasn't sure whether I would be able to fill the whole five minutes on just a colour. Then after reading into it further I discovered it to be quite deep and one that enables a lot of creativity as well as good practice for presentations in the future.

I'm 50/50 with my confidence right now on the presentation, at the moment it is not affecting me and I'm thinking it will go smooth and I am quite confident about presenting my colour. This may be because I have a generally high confidence level and I'm not that scared when it comes to speaking in group situations whether it is answering questions or the like, though I know that presentations are a whole different kettle of fish. I know when it comes 5minutes before the actual presentation the nerves definitely will start to kick in somewhat and I will start worrying.

I have also decided to keep a practice timesheet this week, which was a suggestion Shaun made as he is keeping one too, just to show everything has been done in an organised time and also just to keep the timesheet being a regular thing and staying with the routine.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Half Termination

Well, for a week anyway..
After pondering the last assignment and the future assignments over this last week or so, I've realised my mistakes & downfalls, so the idea mentioned by other students in the class and also the original idea by Steve I think I the timesheet collection idea would be a good solution. For the simple fact it helps me keep an eye on everything a lot easier and then when it comes to the end of an assignment that part is not something I have to deal with.

I'm eager to get on with the next assignment to prove to myself & the tutors what I really can produce, the last one (without realising) was more to test the waters for me to see what actually had to be done in order to produce a good quality piece of work.
It's not only helped me understand the amount of work that's involved, but also the detail involved with each task; in each task there is mini tasks or as the lingo would be 'Macro & Micro' tasks. I know that when the next task comes around I will be even more focused and dedicated to produce the necessary quantity and quality work to get very good marks.

In this week of pondering, I did question myself on whether this was the right course for me; after thinking long and hard I decide it really was & that it was more of a complete course for me than I previously thought. I was sad upon hearing there was going to be no 3D modelling or animation involved in the course at all, as I think that is one of the ways media in general is going, but as far as core design skills this is the place to be; it's possible for me to follow these methods out of college as well.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Gold Rush

With the deadline past mixed feelings are apparent, I'm not sure whether to be happy with what I have done or not.
The main worry for me was the loss of some of my original time sheets and my production schedule, after I had done my evaluation in which I spoke about how good my organisation skills were and how I was keeping up with my time sheets efficiently. I did try to draw some up to cover my steps but found it hard as I only had a few original time sheets to work from, which meant my production schedule was thrown totally off course.

I was however originally stuck on what to write for my evaluation, it took a few days of pondering to figure how exactly what i wanted to include in it, with trying to start but then giving up. I finally worked out what i wanted to say and the words just flowed out and before I knew it, I'd hit around the 850words mark and found myself at the end.
In a way this is similar to how I am when it comes to writing blog entries, sometimes I can just get a topic from the start and seem to go on forever about it, sometimes it takes a while; I usually get it in the end though.
When seeing my actual project and assignment completed, I was overcome with happiness; it is such a burden lifted off my shoulders to see the work all in the InDesign file and looking neat and everything exactly how it should look.

  • Think about my presentational skills and make some decisions on how I will approach it.
  • Think about how I can improve with task in the future; which I have already started.
  • Keep learning Adobe InDesign and working through it's many powerful features.
  • Try expand my range of designs, I noticed I was very comfortable with the design i did, it was something that I would have done given no target audience to match with.
  • Prepare a lot better for the assignment, I waited until late to make preparations which meant when it came to the final deadline day, i was worried about presentation and getting everything together; instead of the actual work in hand and proof reading everything.

I am excited about the aspect of presentations, I think it as a key skill that is needed in the industry and personally I am happy to explore it. I can see others in the class are quite shy when it comes to presentations and this might hinder them when the day comes, but I feel that if i prepare properly that it should be a task well within my capabilities.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Tickertape Ending

The last week is upon us and a serious tone has hit the group, everyone has realised they need to get down and do some hard graft to get this assignment finished. Personally I was quite relaxed last week behind what maybe was rose coloured glasses, this week it has only just really hit me how much work there was left to complete. Last week was when the amount of detail we actually had to go into made its self apparent, but now when evaluating I'm realsing actually how much work we have done.

On paper 2.5k doesn't seem like a whole lot, if you think our average blog posts are around 500 words. But when you add all the research, putting it into page maker, design work.. everything, I certainly did under estimate the amount of work we would have to do, after week one.

And this is nothing compared to A3..

After a meeting I had with Steve & John, we decided I really needed to pull my finger out, or not only would i be letting myself down, but also them down as tutors; they do put a lot of time and effort into this. It is mostly to do with this very blog its self. I seem to find it very difficult to give people feedback and advice unless it is in coordination with something graphical, or something i can break down from what i can see infront of me, and opinion..etc

  • Master Adobe InDesign, with all its functions.
  • Proof read, get someone else to proof read.. then proof read again.
  • Get myself properly organised with paper/digital files.
  • Look over my finished work & see if I can try going into more detail.
  • Evaluate it all.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

The Homestraight

Final week for until our first real deadline; I'm strangely anxious about it. I think this being our first one creates a whole cloud of mystery, we've not been through this process before, we don't know how anything around it works, except we hand our work in & get it back with the grade. I know it's not a factor of the work that is making me feel like this, because I'm feeling that I'm on top of the workload and schedule.
I will not be rushing to get it finished, this maybe because I have timed managed effectively enough to allow me the final week be relaxed with my work. All the preparations in my sketch book to give me the necessary information ready at hand to complete my mini-tasks in the assignment quickly and to the best of my capability, has helped with this a great deal.

When first properly learning about Adobe Pagemaker this week, I found it to be an awfully complex programme for the job it was actually doing; it basically incorporates a few lines here & there, but the simple factor that you can't move lines along a pixel at a time greatly hinder it's usage.
I told Steve of my problems with Pagemaker, in our tutor meeting today; in which we agreed due to my history and experience it might be best for me to move on to using Adobe InDesign. Which would allow me to create what I wanted, more coherently than before and quicker.

Yesterday in a meeting with John we decided that I would set a few goals with my weekly blog entries, as this would give me some concrete things for me to work towards & hopefully get the best out of my self study time.

  • Get familiar with Adobe InDesign / Create my finished screen design with it.
  • Collect & organise my references; to help me to add them quickly at the end.
  • Include & annotate some more inspiration work in my sketch book.
  • Do everything with micro tasks, enabling me to get into intricate details.
  • Push for at least a merit; marks that will show my actual capabilities.
  • Finish it.

I've done some nearly finished screen designs, hopefully this will give you the idea of the target market and shed some light on the kind of look/layout I'm trying to achieve. - White on Black - Black on White - Grey on White

Feedback on these would be appreciated..

Sunday, 30 September 2007

'Sick' Graphics.

Quite an accurate title for a change, yes a colloquialism but accurate anyway.
This week I've been fairly ill for the most part, though trying to keep up with my work whilst pretty much bed ridden. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be because the things I have left to do on my assignment are really the text parts, most of the creative work & computer work is done, though I still have to write some of it up. I'm still feeling quite confident about this assignment even with the week of work/lectures missed, when going off I felt that I was somewhat ahead of the class in the amounts of work I had done already. With the completion of a lot of my measurable aims/mini assignments.

I took on a side project this week of a local band called 'Final Wave', they've asked me to produce graphics for their Myspace, a number of t-shirt designs & advertising banners. After the band being around for a year or so I will be then creating a website/forum for them. You can view how it's going at Http://
Having already done the graphics for their Myspace and a t-shirt design I'm quite well on with the task, I found it came quite easy for me and the things I did, didn't take that long to create, so no worries about the project affecting my college work.

Any feedback on this whilst I am doing it, would be appreciated. (Yes, i already know about the bkgnd problem)

One thing that worried me about being away was missing the presentation by 'The Design Mechanics', potentially a good source of knowledge as to how the industry actually works in a real environment, as well as useful tips on the business side. Having read John/Shaun's blog I have had some insight as to what happened, but nothing could've replaced actually being their, to meet some of the 2nd year students properly in person also.
But i'm sure there will be other opportunities for both.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

One Foot In the Grave

Probably not the most accurate title for what I am going to write about, slightly hyperbolic, definitely a sense of satire, but Steve did say "Make it interesting". After enduring his wrath on the Monday morning for not replying to an email he sent out, due to not giving him the right email the first time.

In the one on one meeting with Steve, he helped me to get the idea that correct information is a must, especially when mixed with the 'Importance of Effective Communication, which surprisingly is what this blog entry will cover.

Effective communication; something that appears in many walks of life, my personal opinion is that it's a subject that fades into the background of the modern world. Communication creates first impressions, which of course are the things that 'last', the genre of design is an industry that relies alot on first impressions. Ultimately they can the sole reason for you getting a client or not. It's not only the picture of yourself you portray with speech, but everything about yourself gives off a vibe to create the first impression.
Only last week a girl I had met and started to talk to said "you walk with a swagger of confidence", apparently not a bad thing; but this opinion was based solely on the style inwhich I walked, the clothes that I wear..etc. This has all lead me to get to know her more. First impressions are a key part of everyday life, they exist everywhere you look..

Communication effectively enables you to carry on these first impressions and deliver the necessary information for social reasons, but it also is a key part of the industry because if correct information is not passed on properly then certain things can't happen. If on your portfolio website your email is written down wrong, how is a client going to be contact you about a possible job.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

New Beginnings

This lunchtime's mood; Anxious, I'm really starting to come to terms with the paperwork demands that go hand in hand with the course, having previously thought it was more of a hand-foot relationship. My expectations of this course were that it was going to be more of a free-thinking, arty based class.. in which we'd do countless brainstorming sessions, look at many a source for inspiration, experiment with shapes and textures, sadly it is not the designers paradise I expected. Maybe my expectations were a bit too unrealistic as to what the pressures of a real world designer were, maybe I got lost in this 'perfect course' model I had built for myself, as a designer thinking too much always leads to a dead end.

True of course, until I reached the seminar groups in which I was able to have some more one on one contact with Steve, though most of all being able to see what the second year students had produced when they were in my position. I saw that my previous thoughts were not totally accurate, this just one of the hurdles in between clear paths of pure design.
Looking through these first year sketch books I got a more in depth look at the procedures we would go through when creating, developing and producing various design works in our first year. Anxious feeling gone, worries gone, happy Andrew again.

Everyone in the class has helped in making this a comfortable environment to work in, the value of friendly faces especially in new pastures is priceless.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Past, Present & the Future

Where I've come from, Where I'm Going & How I'm Going to get there

Starting at an early age i was introduced to the world of website design when i was around the age of 11, through on-line gaming communities. After playing for some time and noticing that clans were always in need of a website but never had someone to create it for them, since i was already interested in designing things i thought i would give it ago myself. With my first few websites being made solely of html tables and a banner made on adobe Photoshop, i started to get bored of the simplicity and decided to step my game up somewhat. So with the aid of internet tutorial sites and a mix of trial and error, i was quickly elevating to a standard where i could do exactly what i wanted with a website, of course there were and are some boundaries to it. I begin making sites purely through a html structure and Adobe Photoshop graphical layout, but this could only get me so far, i still felt there was better i could do, just little touches that would vastly improve the overall look and use-ability of my websites. I then started to use fireworks to create and integrate Javascript pop-up menus so that it would give my websites a smoother look and a better interface for the user; i also started using macromedia flash to give my banners an added effect with moving parts so that the banner was always something different.

In an effort to make my sites look as flashy as possible and to show off my talent to the fullest degree i decided to learn how to use various 3D programs, such as Cinema 4D and 3D Studio Max, in which i could create renders to manipulate in Photoshop and then crop a certain part to use as a banner or the render as a splash entrance to a website. Realising this was all a bit unprofessional in the end i started to take use-ability as a much higher priority than just looking flashy.

With the help of this course i hope to further improve my design skills with adobe Photoshop and vastly improve the coding side of my websites, as this has always been the greatest weakness of mine; having friends who are expert coders in the past has allowed me to stick to what i do best, design. After my two years are done here, i plan to finish the 3rd year at Huddersfield University and attain my BA Honours in the subject.
After this is done i will hope to get a job in a small but well known design company somewhere in the country, recognised for superior quality work to other that is produced in the word of design. This will only be achievable through hard work and determination from my part, having consistently good work whilst meeting deadlines and doing outside projects often.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Designer's Manifesto - Part One

What Separates a Good Designer from a Great Designer

Whilst getting ready this morning, i was thinking about this blog and what i would eventually post on it when i got round to it, deciding my first post needed to be abit of an eye catcher. So i brainstormed what would be a good opening statement, a question sprung to mind after looking at myself, other designers and the work produced by all.
In my opinion there is just two things that separate good designers from great designers:-
The first of these being passion; there are alot of designers around.. actually a hell of a lot of designers that simply see the world of creation, visual communication as a job, just a job. There is no real drive, they do not strive to improve, happy with just a pay check and being able to have the title of 'Website Designer' or something likewise as it seems nowadays that's the 'cool thing to do', everyone wants to be arty these days. Of course this is all because we live in a fashion driven society and everyone is affected, there is not a person in the world that can say they do not care about fashion on some level, know one likes a liar, so don't.

'Passion is the key' to producing amazing work, without passion you will never strive for perfection, you will never have anything more than just money to drive your ambitions (yes money is a good source of drive) but it won't take you as far as passion will. Intrinsic rewards have a far greater effect on your person than extrinsic ones do. Passion is the fire inside that simple money can't compare to, look at all the great historical artists.. most lived in poverty because the drive to be able to do create was more than the lure of easy money.

The second would be a 'designers eye'; this term is tossed around alot in every level of design and not soley used for the 'fashion industry' as some misconceptions would have you believe. A 'designers eye' is in everything that requires colour and some-sort of planning. Simply looking at a designer would give you some idea of the level he is at, yeah anyone can be program wizards and know every little trick in the book, create flawless work.. but if the level of creativity is not there, then you won't go any further; you have reached your peak. Looking at a designer and seeing if the colours he is wearing go together well, the styes of his clothes match, if he is up with the latest trends..etc because there is not only trends in the fashion world, there's trends in all design, things go out of favour.. things come in all the time, like over the past few years grunge/techo has flittered out and in, but there is on thing that will stay consistent, a designer with the 'eye' will always produce great work. Avant-garde you can also see in the way someone dresses, therefore you can tell that they would be likely to experiment in other ways, using design as an outlet for this.

Whilst trying not to over use the term 'designers eye', if you have it.. the possibilities are endless, you could create anything, you find simple things easier, colours, layouts, typography and general knowing what looks good & what doesn't. Having a designers eye is probably the main difference between great work and average work, the people that have it are the ones that win awards, the ones that get the recognition in the design world, the ones that in the end, make the real money and have a real job satisfaction.

To be continued...